When it comes to quality and professional footwear, leather shoes are the first choice. They may be a little expensive but are very durable. If maintained properly, these shoes can last for years without losing their original texture. The most important tip to maintain your shoes is to keep them clean and dry. Shoes are constantly exposed to the sweat from the feet and this has an adverse effect on the life of the shoes. You can place them in an airy place after use and use a cedar shoe tree that absorbs the sweat from the shoes and helps in maintaining their shape.
When the shoes are kept dry, the leather does not shrink and hence παπουτσια ανδρικα remains durable. There are many people who keep two pairs of shoes and put them on alternatively. Cleaning would usually involve dry dusting using a soft cloth or a brush. You can also use a saddle soap which is specially made for the cleaning of leather footwear. Mink oil is used after the cleaning for conditioning the leather surface. Other products that can be used to maintain the leather include goop and pine gum. Goop is used to remove grease while pine gum is used for repairing of cracks and discoloration etc.
Precaution is always better than cure. You can take different measures to protect your shoes depending on the conditions they are exposed to. Excessive heat should be avoided and if the shoes are to be exposed to water then you can waterproof them using beeswax. If shoes come in contact with water very often, they will be damaged in no time. Leather shoes may crack due to heat and dryness and hence conditioning is required. Using a good conditioner will keep the texture smooth and the leather soft and comfortable. Other shoe care products include eucalyptus oil that keeps the stitches strong, lanolin to keep the leather soft and emu oil to retain sufficient moisture in the leather.
There are special shoes available for specific purposes. Safety shoes are used to protect your feet and also to avoid accidents. Many leather safety shoes suppliers also deal with leather maintenance products. You can always get accessories to keep your shoes durable and comfortable in most popular shoe stores. Leather shoes may seem expensive initially, but if maintained well, you can use them for years. Good quality leather, when maintained properly can have a really long lifetime. With these shoe care tips, you can not only maintain your shoes for a longer duration but also remain more comfortable in them. Your shoes do say a lot about yourself, so maintain them well and make them last longer.