Booklovers may love books, which is why they are called booklovers. However, there are many other gifts that could be suitable for those who love reading. This year, it is time to think more about gifts for booklovers. These ten gifts are great alternatives for buying “just” a book for the booklover you have on your gift wish list love book.
- Booklovers aren’t fond of putting their books down. Sometimes they have to get some other things done.Use a bookmark to mark their place in a book. Buy a silver-plated, personalized bookmark that will be cherished for many years. There are many bookmarks to choose from at Barnes and Noble and all other book retailers.
- You can purchase a light for booklovers who like to read well into the early hours of the morning.Visit and find the perfect light for your bookish friend. The lights can be purchased for as low as $9.99, come with a range of colors and sizes, and are light and sturdy.
- Pottery Barn sells bookends in a classy and original pair for just $49.These bookends double as picture frames, and they are silver-plated. This bookend is an excellent use of space! This will allow your booklover to display both his favorite books as well as his favorite photographs in one spot.
- A stylish, durable bag is essential for anyone who carries multiple books.LL Bean offers canvas bags at a starting price of $17.
- Book lovers get bored of borrowing out books and never seeing the originals again.You have a booklover in your home who has a personal library. This person needs a system to track and manage all of that books. can provide a personal checking system for just $135.00
- Get creative and create a book basket to gift your book lover.Consider including coffees and teas to enjoy while reading, a blanket for snuggling up and a blank journal so you can keep track of the books you’ve read.
- You can search for the keyword “books”, and you’ll be presented with hundreds of art prints focused on the theme.Prints of book covers in poster size, photos of book storefronts or characters from books are all available. This original gift is a combination of art and books.
- Gift cards for book stores give the book lover the gift they want.The book lover will be able choose a book to read, buy a magazine subscription or book accessories. Online redemption is possible for most gift cards.
- The “no books” rule is not applicable to this gift: A first edition.It is only possible to give this gift if you can find a first copy of a book your recipient has treasured. You might have to plan for this gift, as it may be hard to find.
- A collection of books written by the recipient is another exception to “no books suitable for booklover” rules.Sometimes collections can be bought as boxes, but it’s more personal if you spend the time to locate the titles that appeal to your recipient.